Life is Better in a Group!
We all want to be known…to belong. So at Sixth Avenue you’ll find a variety of groups to help you connect and find the community you need to grow and flourish.
Mental Health Awareness & Support
This group meets periodically in the Narthex after the Sunday morning worship service to discuss, share, and support one another in various topics around mental health issues.
Contemplative Prayer
Our contemplative prayer group meets virtually three times a month and in person on the 3rd Tuesday.
Prayer times are normally on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at noon and the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6:30pm. To learn more or join us, email Mark Wessley.
Young Adults
Young adults are invited to meet after the worship service for a time of fellowship and discussion. We will provide lunch and childcare until noon for those participating in this conversation.
Theology on Tap
Once a month we gather with others from the Kirk of Bonnie Brae to share our thoughts and wisdom around various topics and how our faith intersects them. Contact us for the next meeting date and location.
Lunch Brigade
Each month we partner with St. Paul’s ECC to provide 50 lunches for the women served at The Delores Project.
To learn more, to sign up for, or to help provide supplies email Timothy & Elizabeth Hepp.
This group consists of volunteers who till, plant, weed, water, and care for the plants on Sixth Avenue UCC’s property.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This group meets periodically after the Sunday morning worship service to create comforting shawls in a spirit of prayer. All those who knit or crochet are encouraged to use their skills to create shawls, which will be given to those experiencing illness, recovery, loss, or joy.